CE Marking

Applicable to vessels that have been placed on the Community market after June 16, 1998 and for models of new construction. The CE mark boat has three aspects: design and construction, exhaust emissions and noise emissions. The last two, for their specificity, they are discussed in the relevant section.
Short legal review
Safety requirements of ships to be observed during construction are regulated by Royal Decree 2127/2004 (BOE of October 30, 2004) under Directive 94/25 / EC as amended by Directive 2003/44 / EC. (See section NORMS)
Development of certification
Certification begins with a formal request by the shipyard, the importer or the individual owner. In the section DOWNLOADS has an application form.
The boat or component must be tested by the inspector ALDAMAR. For vessels it is necessary inspections dry (to assess the structure and living work) and afloat tests (mainly stability, maneuverability and noise). After measurements and tests, in most cases it is necessary to complete the assessment calculations in the central office.

Currently the accreditation of conformity with the Directive is essential to market or put into service any pleasure craft in the Community. If flag vessels imported from third countries (USA, Argentina, Turkey, ... including Switzerland and Gibraltar, among others) even for their own use should you. Take into account the obligation to have the CE mark.
According to the instructions of the Directorate General of Merchant Marine, will you. Go to a naval technical office for a technical report from the vessel in which the degree of compliance of each and every one of the points explicitly stated Directive 2013/53 / EU. Then you should go to a notified body on the boat verify the veracity of the documents submitted and issue a CE Certificate of Conformity.
In this case the owner, or the person responsible for the import and commissioning of the vessel, is regarded as the builder to the effects of the implementation of the Directive, assigning a code (C.I.N.) for this particular unit. The Directorate General of Merchant Marine keeps a record of such codes. If you have you. Doubt these procedures please contact us.
Personal watercraft (PWC)
The bikes are a case in which the three certifications are always necessary. For testing noise and exhaust certification see the corresponding section.
Important: When evaluating several motorcycles while the same model can be applied ALDAMAR trade discounts, but certifications (and tests) should be made to the unit.
In the field of vessel certification (RD 98/2016), Aldamar Inspection makes the following information available to the public:
a) References to the certification scheme, including assessment procedures, rules and procedures for granting, maintaining, extending or reducing the scope of certifications, as well as rules and procedures for suspending, withdrawing or denying certifications.
b) Description of the means by which Aldamar obtains financial support and general information about the fees charged to applicants and clients.
c) Description of the rights and duties of applicants and clients, including requirements, restrictions or limitations on the use of the name Aldamar Inspección, and how to refer to the certification granted.
d) Information on procedures for handling complaints and appeals.
e) El estado de certificación de cualquier embarcación o componente evaluado por Aldamar Inspección.
Any interested person may request the available information by filling the INFORMATION REQUEST FORM, which will be sent by email to the address info@aldamaritb.com.