Humid, wet rooms and swimming pools

Low voltage
Low voltage safety in humid and wet premises, swimming pools and ornamental fountains, refers to electrical inspections in purification plants, changing rooms in the premises, locations that can be reached by water jets, etc. and/or premises whose environmental conditions manifest momentarily or in the form of condensation such as salt stains or mold, located on the ceiling and/or walls (as long as they are not impregnated with water or appear as drops).
These inspections must be carried out in order to prevent possible accidents between maintenance personnel or users of the facility, whether for public or private use.
The initial inspection is mandatory when the power is greater than 10 kW and is valid for 5 years, except in wet premises, whose power must be greater than 25 kW.
Periodic inspections that have been subject to initial inspection because their power exceeds 5 kW and 25 kW in humid and wet premises are carried out every 5 years.
Installations prior to the entry into force of the REBT must also comply with the stipulated deadlines, but will be inspected following the regulations under which they were executed.
• R. D. 842/2002 [2.AGO.2002]
• ITC-BT-05
• ITC-BT-09
• ITC-BT-44