Directiva de ascensores


Aldamar - Directiva de ascensores


Annex V refers to the «CE type» examination for safety components, in which the technical documentation must be examined to evaluate its suitability to achieve the proposed purposes and to carry out the appropriate controls and tests to check whether the solutions adopted by the manufacturer of the safety component comply with the requirements of the Directive. These must be carried out by a Notified Body.

Annex V links the «CE type» Examination for lifts, in which the technical documentation must be examined to assess its suitability to achieve the proposed purposes, and the lift must be examined to verify that it complies with what is indicated in the documentation, as well as the appropriate controls and tests to verify whether the solutions adopted by the installer comply with the requirements of the directive and allow it to be adjusted to them. This type of inspection can only be carried out by Notified Bodies.

Annex VI refers to the Final Control, in which the compliance of the elevator with the requirements of the directive must be verified by carrying out the appropriate controls and tests defined in the harmonized standard or standards. These inspections are carried out for the start-up of the elevator. The field of application of this Annex is all newly built elevators in which the installer declares that the elevator placed on the market complies with the requirements of the Directive.

Annex X refers to Unit Verification, module G, in which the technical documentation must be examined and the appropriate tests defined in the harmonized standard or standards must be carried out. These inspections are carried out for the start-up of the lift and can only be carried out by a Notified Body. The field of application of this Annex is all newly built elevators in which the installer ensures and declares that the elevator being marketed has obtained the certificate of conformity and meets the requirements of the Directive.

Regulated by the provisions of application of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 95/16/EC, on elevators, according to R.D. 1314/1997 of August 1.

• R. D. 842/2002[2.AGO.2002]