Aparatos elevadores


Aldamar - Aparatos elevadores


Since the entry into force of the Regulation on lifting and handling devices, inspections are carried out every 2 years in elevators installed in industrial buildings and places of public attendance, every 4 years in elevators installed in buildings with more than 20 apartments or with more than four floors served and every 6 years in elevators installed in buildings not included in the previous sections.

The field of application of the ITC-MIE-AEM-01 are: electrically, hydraulically or oleo-electrically driven elevators, permanently installed, serving defined levels, provided with a cabin intended for the transportation of people and/or objects, suspended by cables or chains, which moves along vertical tracks and whose inclination on the vertical is less than 15º.

R.D. 88/2013
• R.D. 2291/1985 [8.NOV]
• R.D. 1314/1997 [1.AGO]
• 95/16/CE
• R.D. 1314/1997 [8.FEB]